Tuesday 6 August 2024

Civil Unrest in Uncivil Britain 2024

Keir Mohamed Starmer

(photo isn't real, just descriptive)

The UK is currently facing a surge of civil unrest. Over the past week, violent incidents have erupted in

several cities, including Plymouth, Birmingham, Manchester, Bolton and Belfast.

The unrest was triggered by a tragic event in Southport, where three girls lost their lives. This incident led to false claims on social media, accusing a recently arrived asylum seeker of being responsible.

Axel Rudakubana was charged with three counts of murder. Despite being repeatedly called a boy, and only old photos of him being released (showing him as a cute kid), he turns 18 on August 7th, 2024.

Axel was born in Cardiff, Wales, to Rwandan immigrants. The father, Alphonse Rudakubana, fled Rwanda and sought asylum in the UK following the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Wellars Gasamagera, the uncle of Alphonse, is the Secretary General of Rwanda's ruling party - RPF. It is thought, though not proven, that Alphonse fled the country due to his part in atrocities committed during the genocide.

Back in the UK, in response to the escalating violence, nearly 400 individuals have been arrested. The Prime Minister has announced the formation of a “standing army” of specialist police officers to address the disorder.

The British government, and the press (all of them, it seems), repeatedly call those involved in the disturbances, “far-right” and “thugs”. Note, that only white people have received this label.

The above is worth noting because Muslim gangs have been seen, and recorded, roaming the streets ‘hunting’ white people. These gangs have been seen to be armed, and have been seen, and recorded, violently assaulting white people.

No arrests of Muslims have been made, absolutely zero, while several hundred white people have been apprehended. In fact, not only have no Muslim people, from gangs, been arrested, they have not faced any police interference at all. Indeed, the Prime Minister has said several times that Muslims will be protected.

Images and videos of attacks by non-white people are suspiciously hard to come by; as soon as they are posted, they are inevitably taken down - YouTube is particularly guilty of this.

Below is a still from a video, and the link to the relevant article is here: Lone man attacked by Muslim gang in Birmingham.

And another attack here:

These attacks are not new, but you will have a hard time seeing them in the news (even if you go looking for them), because these and many more attacks are being carried out by non-white people.

It seems that this is the new normal; a fascist government that also wants to overthrow its own people. If that sounds absurd, it is. Unless you view the government as being one that has been bought and paid for... Then everything makes perfect sense.

If not far-right thuggery, then what?

Despite what Two-Tier-Keir may say, and indeed the media, this has been brewing for quite some time. A complete inability to curb illegal immigration, spikes in migrant-led crime and violent attacks that (unsurprisingly) climb with the illegal migrant numbers, and the government treating these illegals better than their own people.

The killing of three small children was not even the last straw. Armed men that turned up to the vigil to commit more murder were. The complete inability of the government to read the room, and the continual two-tier policing, added fuel to the fire.

Britain is angry. Britain is fuming. And this time, if the government doesn't finally begin to listen to the people of Britain, they may well find themselves paying a far heavier price than they could ever bargain for.

Monday 22 February 2016

ISIS, Brexit And Putins Plan To Destroy Europe

As you already know, unless you've been living under a rock, Europe is in chaos. The war in Syria, and the CIA trained and supported militants (which went on to become ISIS/Daesh), paved the way for the violence in Iraq.

Unspeakable atrocity, after unspeakable atrocity rolled across the Iraqi and Syrian landscape. Hiding behind the Muslim faith, these murderous filth swept through town after town, killing anyone that was a Yazidi, or wouldn't convert. In the case of women, even small children, they would be gang raped to make them Muslim.

I'm not telling you anything new, this has been fed to us on a daily basis. So, what does President Putin have to do with Europe, at this point?

Wednesday 21 October 2015

The £30bn Chinese Nuclear Deal

Ok, so the Chinese aren't paying EDF £30 - that is the total worth of trade deals struck between the two countries - but they are paying in around £6bn of the expected £18bn cost of Hinkley Point C.

At least two other nuclear power plants are expected to built later, at Sizewell and Bradwell. Cameron has 'promised' that somewhere in the region of 25 thousand jobs will be created out of this nuclear deal, and with a third of the cost of the build being fronted by the Chinese, we're onto a winner... Right?

Hold your horses, there champ!

There are a few problems with this deal, and they are pretty sizeable issues too. Firstly, it is being said that this is a direct threat to national security. I'm not actually even going to count that one, and it's only here because it's worth touching on for a moment - if only because others have mentioned it, and some balance is called for.

Firstly, bollocks. Big ones. Do you remember rule #1 when reading anything put out by 'popular' media? Read it once, look for the angle, then read it again.

When I say 'look for the angle', what you should you be thinking is 'who gains the  most by rubbishing a deal, or spouting scare tactics?'. It becomes especially suspicious when only one side is being presented, or just one news source (even one country, or like minded groups of countries - as with the whole West Vs Russia bullshit parade) is making these claims.

Now, I'm not saying China are without blemishes - these fuckers have form, and a lot of it - but to immediately jump to industrial espionage, just because it's your country doing the deal... It's a bit of a stretch. China has been in trade negotiations all over the place recently, and there is only ever flashing lights and sirens when a western nation is involved. Funny that.

The angle then, what is it? Well the US are pretty pissed with China right now, because of all this hacking malarky, so it would come as no great shock if they got a bit flustered at this nuclear agreement announcement. Doing trade with their 'enemy', and extremely profitable trade at that? How very dare we.

I'm not saying the US is planting seeds over here, but it wouldn't be the first time would it - and they've done far, far worse...

The Emperor isn't wearing any clothes

Sorry, it's 'President' these days isn't it? Anyway, it would seem that this whole nuclear deal may not even get off the ground.

The two new nuclear power plant designs being put forward for construction here in the UK...

... Don't actually exist. In the case of the latter, construction started almost 2 years ago, in December 2013, and has been plagued by safety concerns from that day to this. With delays, followed by delays, it doesn't seem that likely we will ever see fully functional Chinese designed plants here in the UK before the 2025 deadline - not if they still need to built and tested in China first.

Still, if they really want to throw £6bn up the street, who are we to stop them?

Oi, EDF, come double your money - come get it while it's hot!

Another bone of contention, and one that Cameron really fucked up on, is guaranteeing EDF an electricity price. Right now, wholesale energy is worth around £45/Mwh. Cameron, however, in his infinite wisdom has promised EDF a price of £92.50/Mwh.

What does this mean? Whatever the cost actually ends up being, EDF will be paid the difference between the actual cost and the promised rate of £92.50/Mwh.

If, for instance, the rate remains at £45/Mwh then they will receive an additional £47.50/Mwh. Where will this extra money come from? You. In essence, your energy bill is set to potentially double.

But hey, gotta love all those extra jobs though right? Let's hope they are paid enough to keep their own lights on, and everyone else gets a pay rise!

So, what do I think of the deal? I'll believe it when I start seeing three-eyed fish in the Manchester Ship Canal.

Friday 9 October 2015

Putin: Villain, Or Hero?

The West is falling all over itself trying to demonise Russia, calling them everything they can to try and paint Vladimir Putin as the bogeyman writ large. Is President Putin the crazy war monger our Western governments want us to believe, or his he something else?

Let me ask this question instead:

If, in this scenario, Russia was at home watching football and the US and her allies were bombing the living crap out of targets inside Syria, would the moral outrage be the same?

I think the answer would be a very clear 'No'. Nobody likes Bashar Al-Assad very much, the United States pretty much hates his guts, and a civil war has been raging for some time now with the aim of toppling his regime. The US itself has gone to considerable lengths to make sure the president is removed, including arming Sunni militants and basically getting them organised. These militants went on to become ISIS.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

The Trident Debate - The Real Issue

The Trident 'issue' has has seen a lot of heat recently - from Labour, the Tories, the SNP and even the Yanks. What is everyone so up in arms about, and why are the yanks the only ones that are making sense?

Nicola Sturgeon, the public face of Alex Salmond, and the rest of the SNP hierarch have long opposed Trident - claiming that weapons of mass destruction are immoral and that Scotland (read, SNP) want none of it. Fast forward a few months later, post referendum defeat, and they are now claiming that they oppose Trident based on financial concerns.

Slight change of tack aside, it is clear that they want Trident gone... At least, gone from Scotland. Once they achieve this, if they achieve this, then removing themselves from the Union would be a much simpler affair. Whether or not they realise that they would be left no armed forces whatsoever (even if Trident remained) isn't known, but that doesn't seem to faze them if they do know.

Monday 5 October 2015

Why you should be worried about TTIP

Much of the content on The Unpopular Vote is personal opinion, made in the wake of evidence and, or, experience. Once in a while, though, we may actually make some sense.

With that in mind, here is an article that appeared on 'the other' site, ManLander.co.uk - syndicated here in all its splendour... Well, it's here at any rate...

Okay lads, and ladies, it is not often we will go down a political path but this one is just too important for us to ignore. You have probably heard of TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) by now, but do you know everything that you need to? The biggest concern for the people of the United Kingdom is the threat to the NHS, which is outlined further down this page.